Purposeful Agency

How to Win Over Your Audience with a 30-Second Attention-Grabbing Video

How to Win Over Your Audience with a 30-Second Attention-Grabbing Video

Simple Happy Kitchen 30sec FB/Social Media Ad from Purposeful Films, Florida on Vimeo.

Videos are currently reigning over the internet. Even photo-based social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are prioritizing videos. Around 85% of social media users demand more video content from brands.

But with the internet flooded with videos, you need to make your content captivating. Otherwise, you won’t be able to prevent your audience from scrolling away. Here’s everything to know about creating appealing 30-second videos.

Is It Mandatory to Keep Your Videos Short?

Around 58% of viewers watch the full video if it has a duration of fewer than 60 seconds. Therefore, choosing the right video length is vital to captivate your audience. Irrespective of the length, your videos should always be straightforward.

Portray a key message and add a call to action in your video. Short videos can give viewers a picture of your brand. Creating 30-second videos is great for introducing your audience to the core brand values. You don’t have to drown your customers in complicated sales jargon right after they choose you.

But you might be wondering if 30 seconds is enough to captivate the audience? Think about TV commercials whenever this question comes to your mind. A TV commercial can narrate a story and trigger emotions in viewers within a span of a few seconds.

A 30-second video can easily connect with the emotions of your audience if it’s relevant enough. The video can tell viewers how your products and services can offer them effective solutions.

Go through the next part of the article to understand the elements that you need to include for creating effective 30-second videos.

1.  Thumbnail

Adding an attractive thumbnail to your videos is a great way of triggering the interest of potential viewers. However, you need to learn the art of creating uncluttered thumbnails. Apply the rule of thirds to ensure that your thumbnail is clear and well-spaced.

Consider the colors that you want to add to your thumbnail carefully. If you are adding text, it should not be overshadowed by the image. Squint your eyes and try reading the text. If you can, then you have chosen the right font style and size.

Adding faces in the video thumbnail is also a great way of hooking your audience. However, the faces should be conveying emotions that are portrayed through the videos. Do not use misleading facial expressions in the thumbnail to engross your audience.

Animated images can work wonders in catching the attention of your audience. It will also ensure that your video is distinguishable from similar content.

2.  Title

The title of your video is often what urges your target audience to click on the play button. Your title should give out an idea of what’s included in your videos. But do not reveal too much and ruin the interest of your viewers.

You should also optimize your title with relevant keywords to make it rank on top of search results, especially on platforms like YouTube. You can optimize your videos for other social media platforms like Instagram with relevant hashtags.

3.  Script

Even a video without any dialogue needs a script to ensure that the entire production team is on the same page. Divide your script into two parts, with one part containing dialogue and the other part containing what will happen visually. You should know that an average English speaker says approximately 150 words every minute. Therefore, you should consider it when adding voiceover to your videos.

4.  Storyboard

All videos do not need a storyboard. Documentaries, interviews and even promotional videos usually don’t need a storyboard. An animated video requires a storyboard in particular. It helps the animator build the entire video. An animator produces storyboards after the team approves all the style frames. Illustrations can be brought to life once the storyboard gets approved.

5.  Variety

You need to create the video content according to your chosen platform since the audience is completely different. For instance, the audience on LinkedIn and Instagram are poles apart. Therefore, it does not make sense to create the same content for every social media platform. Even if you want to keep the primary content the same, you will have to make small edits before posting.

Wrapping up

If you want to create attention-grabbing videos of 30 seconds, do not underestimate the effort. Plan, plan, plan and think through your ideas to engage and work to convey a strong message emotionally and visually.

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