Purposeful Agency

Video Marketing Trends and Predictions for 2019

The year of 2018 was an exciting year for Video Marketing. You saw Facebook Video watching trends rise; Google offered video carousels on search pages and the entire social algorithm completely embraced the rise of video over all other visuals for brands and businesses.

In 2019, it is expected that Video Marketing will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. As more companies comprehend just how easily this marketing channel grew; the sky is truly the limit for all business owner and marketers. Can you expect a new technology to emerge? Can you think of a new platform? Probably yes for both. In any case, the future of video marketing offers a lot to be excited about. And one thing is sure, the world is moving towards video content, not away from it.

Keeping that in mind, let’s draw upon some of the past year’s successes and look ahead to what one can expect in 2019.

More Social Media Channels Will Jump on Board

Video Marketing is a foundation of Facebook already. However, with the altering algorithm and growing prices, its sister company Instagram may come up as the top marketing contender. Instagram has of late, jumped on board with pilot programs. The programs aim to bring Video Marketing to the platform in fresh and creative ways. Including Video Marketing in Instagram Stories is one of the greater innovations in the genre of Video Marketing.

Except don’t invest all your money on the app only channel yet. LinkedIn has as well joined the tussle with sponsored video content now. If you are into B2B marketing, LinkedIn has the likelihood of hitting your future clients whilst they’re already in the business mindset, providing an exclusive entry point for creative ads. Given that running LinkedIn video ads can be costlier than other social platforms, it is even more vital to publish engaging and dynamic video content that is fully optimized for this captive audience.

In addition, you can expect new innovations down the road. In other words, whatever Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and others have planned for video next, it’s only going to be a greater part of the brand building and online advertising experiences.

Is Video Content Greater Than Television?

Though it may not occur in 2019, it is certainly possible. When Netflix started off as a mail-order video service, none could have predicted what would come next. Now, some years later, Netflix is a powerhouse of video content. It is now a full-fledged production studio apart from being a streaming service. In addition to that, with Amazon Prime, Hulu and a host of other services, it’s not impossible to imagine a near future where internet video content beats traditional television content.

As this development continues, hereon, the video marketing opportunities will only increase. YouTube by now features a robust video ad system. With the increasing popularity of numerous YouTube channels, influencers, vloggers and more; there are a lot of chances for brands to advertise. If you advertise on YouTube and other streaming services, it will offer several benefits. For example, it’s less expensive, easier to produce and has more targeting features. Also, they just added vertical video to their repertoire.

More Barriers Will Be Broken

As it is bound to happen with technology, the barriers to entry will continue to be reduced. Consider social media as a whole. It was once for your high-school friends to reconnect and is now an essential tool for any business. It requires major efforts and manpower. You can contact directly with your customers, build a community through daily engagement, use it a soapbox, as a channel for customer support and more.

Thanks to social media, there is no barrier for entry of businesses of all sizes to compete with bigger competitors and connect with customers. In the same way, thanks to the internet, Video Marketing that has always been a difficult nut to crack but now it isn’t anymore. More businesses are creating video content than ever before. This is largely due to the accessibility of the medium. At present, professional quality videos are more attainable than ever.

Video Funnels

The purchaser’s journey has changed significantly due to the internet. The process of discovering repeat customers to buy now passes through the internet for offline as well as online purchases.

What Does HubSpot Say?

  • To learn more about a product or service, 95% of people have viewed an explainer video.
  • 81% of people have been persuaded to purchase a product or service by viewing a brand’s video.
  • 69% of people have been persuaded to purchase a piece of software or application by viewing a video.
  • 85% of people state they would like to view more videos from brands in 2018.

This shows that videos are being increasingly used along in a customer’s purchase journey.

It doesn’t mean traditional marketing strategies don’t have a place. But the buyer’s journey is now essentially different. Customers actively probe out information online before making a purchase decision. They interact with brands, asking for recommendations on social media.

Video marketing at this time holds a fundamental position in any online marketers’ sales funnels.

Varied Video Content

The mass of video content that is being produced by brands resemble the typical ad. Even as this will always be a basis of video marketing content; it points towards changes which are welcome.

Live video, event-specific videos which promote a particular sale, offer or promotion are rising in popularity. Consider the Snapchat geo-filter, boosting posts based on location, offline event hashtag trends and so on. As creating video content becomes easier, less emphasis is made on broad, all-encompassing advertisements and more emphasis is on content-rich, attention-grabbing, real-time engagement.

If you have a small business it is difficult to produce a television commercial as the expense is tremendous. And the focus seems to be on these broad stroke videos that advertise the business as a whole rather than focus on particular aspects. This barrier is eliminated with online video marketing content. Small brands will continue to produce varied content and explore all the possibilities that the medium has to offer.

Mobile Video Content

People are viewing more content on tablet and mobile devices than ever before. Tablet and smart phones are rapidly replacing the desktop and laptop. After a few years, these too may become old news. Thus, an often mentioned term in the digital space is “mobile first.” It is a strategy that aims to cater content towards a mobile experience first. Other viewing mediums come second.

Social media is following a parallel trend and video marketing is joining too. For instance, Instagram doesn’t give you a true desktop experience as it exists almost exclusively on mobile. For that reason, a trend will continue that will see video content being produced exclusively for these type of viewing experiences.

Video First

The video first approach in online marketing is gaining footage. Coined by Facebook, it expresses the trend of consumers and brands not only consuming but also creating video content.

If your brand is looking to make a splash, dedicating the bulk of your creative efforts to producing video content, then this could become a solid strategy in the year 2019. Brands are already generating more content than ever before. It was assessed that in 2018, brands will spend in excess of $90 billion on video content; much of which is devoted to social media marketing.

By 2023,the figure is expected to get a raise of more than $100 billion. Year over year, businesses are spending more. In 2018, brands spent 27% more than the year before on creating video content for their online marketing. What will 2019 bring? Even if it increases steadily, that’s a colossal jump by any measure.

Video Surpasses Other Online Content

At present, video content encompasses more than half of all internet traffic. Within 3 years,experts at Cisco anticipate that percentage to eclipse by 80%.

In case even half of the anticipated increase occurs, video content will encompass 75% or more of all internet traffic. If and once that happens, the video will surely dominate all other forms of online content.

Video and Email: Will Become A Powerhouse

Email Marketing is still an exceptionally effective tool. As per Option monster,Email Marketing is more effective than social media marketing. In fact, when it comes to opt-in, permission-based content, email marketing is overpoweringly preferred to social media. It’s time to give this tried and tested marketing strategy a face-lift.

Till date, including video content in promotional emails hasn’t been that easy. Luckily, email services like MailChimp have made it a snap. In reality, according to HubSpot, simply using the word “video” in your email subject line can increase your click rates by up to 300%.

Brands will go on looking for new ways to integrate their video content in other mediums. Email is a natural fit. Both are effective tools that promise high rates of return. Combining them is an effective strategy for moving forward.

Much to the benefit of brands everywhere, 2019 should be the year to see video email content explode.

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