Purposeful Agency

Why Is Video Marketing Vital For Your Business Growth in 2019?

It was in the year 2005 that YouTube, the video streaming platform, was launched. It opened a platform for video expression to the world. It became easy for anyone to start a video channel, demonstrate their talents and gain income out of it. With time, the company grew giving rise to numerous ‘YouTube stars’ in multiple fields.

It took more time for the large organizations to leverage the power of video marketing. And we saw the launch and successful growth of different video streaming mediums. Today, video streaming has become an integral part of the digital marketing strategy for small and large organizations alike. This article takes you through the influence of video marketing and why it is an indispensable part of your marketing strategy now.

The Influence of Video Content
Video content has numerous advantages over text in marketing. In fact, a research report says around 70% of marketers agree that video content can produce more conversions. Wondering how?

Video content conveys the message more quickly than text content. It can evoke emotions in a real and authentic way and inspire people to take action towards the brand. Nothing works like video in establishing an emotional connection with the brand.

Moreover, the video sharing platforms allow users to comment and express their opinions instantly. Thus, video content helps to establish instant interaction and connectivity with the consumers which, in turn, lead to increased conversions.

In other ways, video content gives life to your brand. Text content is, after all, a combo of a few words and graphics which is stagnant. People take a longer time to connect with your brand when text content predominate your marketing strategy. However, a short video can very well be conceptualized to let people know how the brand helps them. In short, video content is ‘emotionally engaging’ in generating customer responses.

Another reason why video content is influential is that it helps in building trust with the brand. Consumers always tend to trust the experience of others. Earlier, it was word-of-mouth communication that helped to establish this kind of trust. Video marketing offers numerous possibilities to share experiences of consumers immediately and thereby establish trust with the brand.

These days, it is all about telling your brand story to your target group, convince, and convert them into loyal customers. If done right, video marketing makes this task easy and efficient.

More Reasons to Include Video Content in your Marketing Strategy

  • Age of video marketing – The concept of video marketing is on an unprecedented growth. It is estimated that 80% of the online content will be video by 2019. Moreover, 90% of users decide on whether to purchase an item or not after viewing the product video. It is the age when video becomes an inevitable part of digital marketing strategy for brands.
  • Brand recall – People are likely to remember your brand when they get introduced to it through videos. Studies show that viewers are able to retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video while it is 10% while they read it in the text.
  • High ROI – Apart from engaging people with the brand, the best reason for marketers to choose video is that it gives the best ROI. As per a research report, 52% of marketers say video content pays off well.
  • Improved SEO – Your brand is likely to come on top of search engine rankings if it is embedded in a video. This is because internet platforms like Google, Facebook, etc. have an inclination toward video content. By including videos, your brand becomes friendlier to search engines.

3 tips for effective video marketing

  • Know where your consumers are – It is important to understand where your target group hangs out online when you publish the content. There are different mediums like YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram etc. so make sure you publish your video in the right place.
  • Share the video – Engage with your viewers and share the same video across all the social media channels. Keep in mind that around 49% of people connect with video streaming on Facebook. You can use videos in email marketing as well.
  • Promote the video – Your job doesn’t end at posting the video on the right platform. You should deploy digital marketing strategies and tools to improve visibility and increase the reach of the video.

To wind up, video content is becoming more prevalent for businesses to attract the attention of the target group. It is becoming more affordable, accessible and creative. For forward-looking organizations, video marketing is an essential and excellent tool to thrive in the market. If you are yet to include video marketing in your marketing strategy, it is high time to rethink!

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