Purposeful Agency

Which Industries are Investing in Video Marketing in 2018

Video is fast making its way into every industry. Industries are using it as a means to reach their marketing goals. As videos make it possible to tell each brand’s story in an easily understandable, emotionally engaging and enjoyable way.

As per Navigating the Video Content Marketing Landscape report, 56% of marketers are at present implementing videos in their content strategy. 61% have plans to do so in 2019.

Read further to know how and which industries are using video to generate relevant and effective content that is worthwhile:

Manufacturing Industry

A massive 81% of marketers who work in the manufacturing industry, when surveyed said they’re already using videos in their marketing strategies. It is most likely much more than the average percentage of total marketers using videos because manufacturing is a crowded industry. Video is a great way to set a firm apart from another, connect with customers on a more personal level and drive home each product’s value proposition.

Financial Industry

Talking about banking, online transactions can feel risky at the best of times. However, it is very important for financial institutions to foster a sense of trust for their clients. Finance industries are using videos to build and support that confidence in their customers. There are explainer videos to help customers derive knowledge about a banking institution itself. Also provide walk-throughs of common transactions like setting up payments and making deposits. Also, video content brings customers up to a speed as market news unfolds. Financial institutions are digitalizing to keep up with the times while keeping calm and confident.

The Industry of Public Relations

Today, PR firms are taking the content reins into their own hands by generating their own high-quality, highly effective videos. As videos turn out to be the predictable medium for communication campaigns across the web and on every channel of social media. PR firms are assuring that they are not left behind. PR firms are progressively bringing the video strategy in-house instead of sharing video content generated by other businesses and brands.

Real Estate Industry

The shape of the real estate industry has totally changed over the last few years with Apps like Zillow, and thanks to the internet. However, because of the saturated market and a plethora of platforms listing and relisting the same properties, the professionals of real estate are seeking portfolios to be in the form of videos that will stand out. Videos can help gain traction on numerous angles within the industry like profiles spotlighting outstanding agents on their teams to video tours of real properties. They use videos to educate viewers about intricate topics that touch the industry like explainers to help secure mortgages and news reports on market trends.

Healthcare Industry

Healthcare is a complex industry, so not so surprisingly healthcare providers are making use of videos to help their customers at every level understand the bigger picture and minute details. From choosing insurance plans to receiving the most out of benefits, health insurance companies are making use of video explainers to walk customers through the decisions and features that impact their lives and the lives of their families.

Doctors and hospitals are now making custom videos where they talk about common procedures or even cover trends in local medicines. They are covering subjects such as preventative measures to defend against a heavy flu season or the correct steps to get ready for travel to popular vacation destinations.

Medicine, which can be an intimidating, is made less daunting through videos. Friendly and helpful videos help professionals across the entire healthcare industry to provide better customer service at scale.

E-Commerce Industry

Thanks to the power of the internet in today’s digital age, online shopping is a constantly growing and developing an industry. However, since retailers depend increasingly on e-commerce shops instead of regular stores, customers are swamped with opportunities to purchase and product advertisements across the web.

A video is a powerful way for sellers to help their selections shine when it comes to products. For instance, sellers are using product videos to enable customers to get a 360-degree view on their new products before purchasing. In Amazon, you can upload videos of your products to stand out in a crowded market. Original video content also helps customers get a sense of the ethos around the company.

The Industry of Travel and Hospitality

It has become even harder than before to distinguish between the many travel and hospitality options available on the internet as online shopping has become increasingly popular. It is not easy for customers to distinguish hotels as they choose their accommodations in a new city. Video content bridges all gaps. It gives customers a more in-depth look of what restaurants, hotels and travel experiences are actually like before they book. Video can be used by travel and hospitability brands to showcase what makes them unique and enticing.

Video is the media to emotionally engage customers.

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