Purposeful Agency

Which Businesses are Using Video Marketing the Right Way?

Video marketing is a booming industry. If you look at the statistics, you will come to know how widespread video marketing really is. A lot of people are using it. As per Aberdeen Group, 41% of marketers use video as their strategy. Other research suggests the figure can be even higher. As per Animoto, 55% of small and medium-sized business owners have produced or outsourced video production in recent months. And according to Wyzowl, 63% of businesses use videos for marketing.
Why videos?
According to Video Brewery, 80% of people can recall a video ad they watched within the last 30 days and 64% of people are more likely to purchase a service or product showcased online after watching a video about it.
Online video statistics show that consumers love videos. According to research conducted by Hubspot, 45% of people watch an hour or more of videos, daily. While according to Google statistics, half of the 18-34 year old people would stop what they’re doing to watch a new video by their favorite YouTube creator. Also, Google states that 40% of millennials trust YouTube for content and 60% say videos they’ve watched have changed their worldview.
By and large, video marketing has the potential to change the landscape of your business growth but only if done correctly.
This leads us to the question: Which Businesses are Utilizing Video Marketing the Right Way?
Thought Leadership Videos of Rand Fishkin, MOZ
The founder and former CEO of MOZ, Rand Fishkin hosts an educational video series weekly. The videos are shared on Whiteboard Friday, the company’s site. Rand educates people on all things SEO in them.
These kinds of video can showcase your expertise. You can share a new plan or approach to a key aspect of your industry. When you create a thought leadership video, the focus should be on your niche. Think about how your knowledge can help those in your target audience. Make videos that answer common questions your buyers have. Only then you can create awesome content that attracts new visitors.
Culture Videos of IMPACT
IMPACT has a wonderful culture. They were ranked by Fortune as one of the best SMBs to work for in the NYC area. And their employees love volunteering to showcase their videos. From new offer announcements to education, everyone engages to help show the world what it really is like at IMPACT. This gesture is great not only for employee morale and retaining talent but their clients love seeing them have fun too.
Ultimately, a company’s culture is its personality. It is also the environment employees work in and that customers or clients get to be a part of. Definitely, you can tell someone about your great company culture but it will be always more believable when they see them. Making use of videos to show off your company’s personality is a great way to engage your audience.
Live Videos of Benefit Cosmetics
Recently, Benefit Cosmetics started an ongoing live video series where viewers can learn about the trendiest and greatest in cosmetics. Since they release a video on a regular schedule, viewers can make tuning in a part of their routine. Moreover, this concept is ideal for fostering engagement. People watching often ask questions during each segment and they are answered in real-time. The hosts can gauge the level of interest in different topics.
Probably, live video is the latest trend to video marketing and many brands haven’t quite mastered it yet. The key to an awesome live video is to have in mind that viewers want to be captivated and attain information in real time. If you do live videos on Instagram or Facebook, viewers can engage with those filming by giving “likes,” or by leaving questions, comments, or even reviews. All of these offer you instant feedback. You can leverage them to improve the video right away or in the future.
Explainer Videos of PandaDoc
The overview video of PandaDoc kick starts with its audience’s biggest pain points. Then, it moves into how its product offers the much-needed solution. Since the video hits each of the 3 points, viewers can walk away feeling confident in understanding the clever information of who and what PandaDoc is.
You can use educational videos to tell viewers about your business/product, hitting on three main points. Tell them what your product or service is; its benefits and how it works. Those three points will give viewers enough information to know whether they want to continue learning about your company or not. Just make sure your videos are less than two minutes.
Like most things in marketing, video needs to be made with your target audience in mind. Don’t worry much about the specific features of your product and service. Instead, think of the benefits the video will bring to your customers. It will enable you to create more meaningful messages and offer higher value to your audience. Once your video is created and marketed well within your marketing strategy, evaluate your video’s performance. Note how your audiences and customers respond.

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